20/20 Insight GOLD    
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Survey Library (Some features not available in Surveys for Small Business)

The Survey Library is a rich resource in 20/20 Insight GOLD that contains dozens of categories with more than 1100 survey items. This Library was developed by experts in each area, and can be used to assess people on many different skills. 

The surveys are stored in subfolders of the Survey Library folder and are organized into general subject areas called survey areas. You can browse the Survey Library to find survey categories and items to use for a feedback project. You can also use the Survey Library to customize standard survey categories and items or create and store new ones.

The Survey Library is organized by function and contains the following components:

  • Survey Area – Survey categories that are grouped by general topic, for example, Personal Leadership.
  • Survey Category – A topic within a survey area that is more focused, such as, Innovative Problem Solving or Resolving Conflict.  A group of categories makes up a survey area.
  • Survey Item – A statement describing a specific observable behavior, such as, Offers suggestions and ideas to coworkers.  A group of survey items makes up a survey category.

Survey areas are organized into four subfolders within the Survey Library folder:

  • Individual Survey Areas – Contains surveys relating to individual development, such as Personal Leadership, Team Leadership, and Executive Leadership.
  • Team and Organization Survey Areas – Contains surveys relating to team and organization development, such as Team Effectiveness, Organizational Climate, and Customer Satisfaction.
  • Vital Learning Leadership Skills – Contains surveys based on the Supervision Series created and published by Vital Learning Corporation.
  • Your Survey Areas – Create and store new custom surveys in this folder.

Developmental Recommendations – Items in the categories Executive Leadership, Personal Leadership and Team Leadership contain Item Descriptions, Developmental Recommendations and Recommended Resources. You can include any combination of these three elements when printing reports.

  • Item Description – A brief explanation of the specific behavior described in the item and why the behavior is important in the workplace.
  • Developmental Recommendation – Describes possible reasons for the low ratings, to help the individual analyze the cause. A list of recommended follow-up development actions that can improve performance is also provided.
  • Recommended Resources – A list of references which includes books, magazine articles, videos and any other media available to the feedback recipient for personal and professional development.