20/20 Insight GOLD    
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Create Customized Recommendations

How to Create Customized Recommendations

Creating customized Developmental Reccomendations, Item Descriptions or Recommended Resources requires the file to be saved as a .rtf file. This file is also known as a Rich Text Format and can be created in WordPad or another compatible test editing application.

1. Open WordPad or a similar text editor.

2. Create your new document.

Each "Item Description", "Recommendation" or "Recommended Resource" must be saved as a separate file.

Images will NOT display in 20/20.

3. Save the file as a Rich Text Format (*.rtf) file, as pictured below.

The new document must be saved it in the "Docs" folder within the "Insight4" directory.

To assign the new document to an Item:

From your Project, step "4. Items":

1. Double-click the Item you wish to add the document to.

2. Under "Attach documents to this item for reporting?"

3. Click "Select File" next to "Item Description" or "Recommendations" or "Recommended Resources"

(Choose the where you would like the document to appear when selected for Reporting.)

A file navigation window will open in the "Docs" folder.

The new document must have been saved it in the "Docs" folder within the "Insight4" directory. If you saved it elsewhere, you will need to move it and then return to this step.

4. Locate and click the document you want associated with this Item.

5. Click "Open".

You will now see that your document is now listed just before "Select File".

6. Click Save.