20/20 Insight GOLD    

Reporting—Import a Custom Document

You may wish to add your own custom documents to a report in order to provide a description of the scale used, a brief description of the project or other explanation. To do this you will need to create the documents in WordPad or a similar text editing application.

1. Open WordPad.

2. Create the document.

3. Save the file with using the .rtf extension(Rich Text Format.).

IMPORTANT: Images will not appear in custom documents, because the .rtf format doesn't support images.

4. Open 20/20 Insight Gold and open the project you want to import the custom document into.

5. Click Step 7. Reporting.

6. Click, Click here to insert a custom document.

7. Browse to the file location where you saved the custom document.

8. Click Open.

9. The file appears at the top of the report sections list and will appear in the report as the first page after the table of contents. Drag and drop the custom document to the location you would like it to appear in the report.
