Best-in-class resources to build strong leaders and teams

A user-friendly, customizable and economical way for people to give 360 feedback in the workplace

Strengthening communication skills through peer coaching partnerships

Two books support the strengthening of the skills that impact
work relationships and results.

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,  and Meredith M. Bell

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,  and Meredith M. Bell

If you’re looking for a stunning solution to continuous performance improvement, look no further.

Grow Strong Leaders is not just the company’s name – it is a core belief. It is a privilege to recommend the incomparable team of Meredith, Paula and Denny and recommend tools that assist in optimizing our potential.

Kristin Ford Hinrichs

Chief Effectiveness Officer, Best in Learning

I was equal parts reassured and very inspired by the company’s commitment to long-term relationships. I loved seeing customers working with GSL for over 20 years and was delighted that the owners have been business partners for over 30 years!

They’re passionate about their products and have gone above and beyond to make them user-friendly and seamless to integrate.

What I didn’t know that truly blew me away was their commitment to transform one million leaders and their families. This mission, coupled with their focus on long-term relationships, was enough for me to enroll before I even saw the product — which, as it turned out (and I wasn’t surprised), is fantastic! GSL and its leaders are indeed the best!

Theresa Campbell

CEO, Her Life Her Legacy

276: Develop a Mindfulness Practice Using The Lovetuner

276: Develop a Mindfulness Practice Using The Lovetuner

This episode is different from any other because the guest, Sigmar Berg, is someone who invented a product that has enhanced the lives of 1000s of people around the world. You’ll find this conversation thought-provoking and enlightening. You’re encouraged to slow down...

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275: How Leaders Create Creators at Plastic Bank

275: How Leaders Create Creators at Plastic Bank

What would happen if leaders focused on helping each member of their team create a new way of thinking about themselves and others? David Katz has developed a way of thinking where he sees everything that happens as a gift, including the death of his daughter five...

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